Settle expenses without travel (individual receipt)

E-Rechnung Zugferd

Manage the business expenses of yourself and your team and avoid paperwork.

  • The traditional method for employee reimbursement of expenses is usually as follows: The purchase is made, the employee keeps the receipt and manually enters the expense into an expense report, which is then submitted for reimbursement along with a copy of the receipt. This is complicated, receipts can get lost and the process takes a lot of time.
  • Working from home has also become socially acceptable. But how do you submit the employee’s expenses to the company?
  • However, the question also arises for sole traders as to how individual receipts, independent of a travel expense report, should reach the accounting department or the tax consultant.

Spesenfuchs provides you with a standardized workflow that simplifies and shortens this process. This makes the recording, approval and billing of individual documents seamless and reduces errors.

Übersicht Belege

In addition to the creation of travel expense reports, Spesenfuchs also enables the accounting of individual receipts.

This provides you with a central platform for travel costs and expenses that enables all the functions and settings required for travel expense accounting, even for the accounting of individual receipts. These include, among others:

  • Automated receipt capture by scanning or photographing the receipt
  • Whether in the office, working from home or on the move with a mobile device
  • Document types that enable simple pre-assignment
  • Recording of expenses with different currencies
  • Approval workflow
  • Transfer of data to the connected accounting solution or to payroll accounting.

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