Approval workflow

With the approval workflow, your employees submit trips to their supervisor for review. The manager is informed both on the dashboard and by email. Via the approval view, the supervisor checks the trip. Are all receipts available? Is the period of the trip correct? Does the trip comply with internal guidelines? Subsequently, the supervisor approves or rejects the trip. As an employee, you again receive an information on the dashboard and via email that the supervisor has reviewed the trip.


  • Trips are checked by the supervisor before they go into accounting.
  • Track the status of your team’s expense reports at any time.
  • Entirely digital – resulting in a faster approval process
E-Rechnung Zugferd

How does the approval workflow work?

  1. Assign employees who need to approve travel to a supervisor.
  2. Employees submit their paperless expense reports online.
  3. The supervisor reviews the travel expense reports via a transparent approval view and confirms the travel expense report.
  4. The accounting department reimburses the employees and transfers the travel expense reports with the resulting postings to the accounting software via various interfaces.
  5. Employees are informed whether the trip has been approved/rejected.

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